I think it's morning sickness (by the way, are there really people out there who have true "morning" sickness? If so, I hate you. Okay, that's not fair. I don't hate you, but I am really very jealous). Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I think maybe because I'm not feeling well at present (did I mention I'm pregnant?) I have no patience for much of anything. I'm fed up. Everywhere I turn there are angry people venting about this or that political topic, citing media sources from one extreme or the other. There are angry feminists, angry misogynists, angry communists, angry capitalists, and so on up and down the spectrum. Everyone is absolutely one hundred percent sure they're right and there is no room for negotiation.
I should start by saying I tend to be quite conservative, politically, and in life in general. Conservativism has, unfortunately come to represent close-mindedness. I don't consider myself to be close-minded. I have come to have certain beliefs based on study and reflection and usually find that what I feel is right aligns most with a more conservative point of view. That being said, I don't like republican politicians any more than I like democratic politicians. They're almost all a fake, slimy, pandering bunch. Of course there are always exceptions, but unfortunately for them and the country they have trouble rising in power because they're not slimy enough.
But I digress.
Today as I scanned over my Facebook newsfeed I felt disgusted as I read one after another ridiculously slanted political post. Then I saw a news story about a little girl from Illinois whose body was found near her home. I thought about her poor family and how they must be feeling. That's when I realized why I hate all of these political posts. It's because we should be worried about other things-- or other people, that is. People. That's what we should worry about. Not causes.
When there are people who don't have a home or food to eat, why do we continue to fight about whether or not the government should use religious organizations to meet those needs? Why do we care where that food comes from?
While there are children dying and parents mourning, why are there people in the world so concerned with fighting for women to have the right to kill their unborn children so that they can escape the consequences of their actions?
When there are people in other countries living in shacks and eating gruel (if they're lucky), why do we resist the efforts by our government to give foreign aid? Poverty in American has NOTHING on poverty in much of the world. Our poor seem wealthy in comparison.
While we watch governments oppress, abuse, neglect, even kill their own citizens, why are we so concerned with keeping foreigners out of our borders? America as a nation came to be only because someone wanted to escape their country to a new land. Why should we deny others that same privilege?
I guess what I'm trying to say is not that we shouldn't ever worry about causes. Rather, what I'm trying to say is that we ought to, when thinking of which causes to support, think about what will really help people rather than espousing only the causes that align with our political party of choice. And we need to knock off the bickering. It's so pointless, so very unproductive, and helps nobody. And, in my opinion, that's the whole purpose of this life-- to help other people. And we can't do that by fighting with them.
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