Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nebraska, possibilities...endless

All states have slogans they post on signs and literature to hopefully lure people to their state, either as new residents or visitors. But the slogans are too non-specific. In Nebraska the possibilities are endless. I would like to know, before entering the state, some of the things I might expect to happen to me while there. Then I could make a truly informed decision.

Here are some more specific slogans, based on things that actually happened to me in some states I have visited (or lived in):

CALIFORNIA... you could expect to possibly see naked old people on the beach.

UTAH... you might get your credit card and car keys stolen from you by a pedophile.

NEBRASKA... you could possibly gain a couple of pounds.

IOWA... you might accidentally lock your 2-year-old in the car at a rest area.

MISSOURI... you maybe will break your two front teeth in the swimming pool.

INDIANA... you might be asked to dress up as a man for a high school musical.

ILLINOIS... your car could break down on the interstate and you might have to carpool with a drunk lady to a hotel (but in all fairness you might not know she is drunk when you accept the ride).

LOUSIANA... you will experience heartburn.


  1. My slogan for Nebraska would have to be: you might possibly gain 50+ pounds! (In all fairness, it did take several years!)

  2. Bahahaha! I want to read that essay you wrote about the time the van broke down Illinois. It was priceless.


I'm a needy person, I only write if someone will read.