Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dress to Impress

I gussied myself up for a women's meeting at church. While doing so, it occured to me that I get more dressed up for time with my women friends than I do for a date night with David. Not that those happen often. Date nights, I mean. But that's another issue altogether.

The answer to why I put so much more effort into impressing my ladies than I do into impressing David? It's the result of conditioning.

Amy: "Do you like my haircut?"

David: "You got your hair cut? It looks the same."


Female friend: "Ooh, I love the hair. SOOO cute!"

Amy: "Oh, thanks for noticing!"

David: "Is that a new skirt?"

Amy: "Well, I've had it about a year. So, no."

David: "How much did it cost?"


Female friend: "That's such a cute skirt! Where did you get it?"

Amy: "Oh, can you believe I found this on the clearance rack at JC Penney. $5!"

Female friend: "No way! I love a good deal! Do you think they have any more?"

David: "What's on your toenails?"

Amy: "That's pink nail polish."

David: "Oh, I thought you had nail fungus or something."


Female friend: "Look at your fancy nails! I should totally paint mine."

Amy: "Yeah, pink nail polish makes everything better."

David: "What's that smell?"

Amy: "What does it smell like? I just put on perfume."

David: "Oh."


Female friend: "Ooh, something smells good!."

Amy: "Oh, I'm wearing perfume."

Amy: " Wait, I have to put my makeup on first."

David: "Why would you wear makeup? It'll just be dark in the movie."

Amy: "Good point."


Female friend: "You look so pretty!"

Amy: "Thanks! You're so sweet! You look pretty, too!"

I do not mean to imply that David does not think I'm pretty. Rather, I mean that David just likes me more... natural. And so that's what he gets. No makeup. No hairdo. No perfume. Just me.


  1. Amy, you are SO funny!!!!!!
    I can't stop laughing!!!!!!

  2. I'm married to an accountant, too. His first question is always, "How much did it cost?" I wonder if all men are like this. Great post!

    1. Thanks, Emily! It's so nice to know someone else understands my life.


I'm a needy person, I only write if someone will read.